Footer Menu (Footer - Last)
The Footer - Last widget area under Appearance > Widgets is capable of handling any sort of widget. It can be a Custom Menu (Navigation Menu) or Text; whatever you may want to show in this area.
If Navigation Menu widget is assigned with a menu called "Social" being displayed, it will automatically show social media icons.
If it is a menu called anything other than "Social", it will display as a normal text menu such as the one displayed in our demo on the very bottom.
Steps to add a footer menu:
- Go to Appearance > Menus
- Click "create a new menu", for example "Footer Menu"
- Add the pages that you'd like to show in this menu
- Click "Save Menu"
- Now go to Appearance > Widgets
- Drag a new "Navigation Menu" widget to the "Footer - Last" area
- Select the newly created "Footer Menu" from the list and click "Save"