Header Widgets

The contents of header widgets appear at the very top of the page, above the logo/heading. You can choose to place an additional navigation menu or social media links here.

These two widgets form this area:

  • Header - Left
  • Header - Right

Header - Left

Inside the left header, you might want to insert a few handy links, for example a Contact Us button. 

In order to set up a custom menu for this area, you can go to Appearance > Menus and click "Create New Menu", enter a menu name (for example "Top Left" and then click "Create Menu". For more information on how to create menus, please read   https://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Menu_User_Guide.
Now go to Appearance > Widgets then drag and drop a Navigation Menu widget into the widget area named Header - Left. In the widget settings, and select the menu, for example "Top Left", that you would like to see in the left area of the header / top bar.

Header - Right

In the demo, you can see social media links above the logo, on the left hand side in the top bar area. In order to set them up, go to Appearance > Widgets then drag and drop a "Navigation Menu" into the widget area named Header - Right. Then, select the "Social" menu, and save the settings. 

More information on setting up social media links can be found here.

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