WooCommerce Widgets (Pro Only)
In Kale Pro, if you have a WooCommerce store set up, you can choose to display specific widgets on certain WooCommerce templates.
There are widget areas designated for the following WooCommerce pages:
- Shop - shows the widgets on a general product directory.
- Shop (Bordered) - shows the widgets on the Shop page, with a border around each of them
- Product - shows on single product pages
- Product Category - shows on product directories for specific categories
- Cart - shows on the cart page
- Checkout - shows during checkout, right before payment
Note: In order to show these widget areas, you need to display the sidebar on the WooCommerce pages. Go to Appearance > Customizer > WooCommerce and toggle the sidebar. If you choose a sidebar here, but there are no widgets assigned - then the page will display without the sidebar column.