Recipe Card (Pro Only)

Kale Pro comes with a built-in Recipe shortcode [lt_recipe] that displays recipes in a  Google friendly format

The Recipe Card button gets disabled automatically with the new WordPress 5+ version if you're using the "blocks" editor. In order to keep using your recipe card feature, use the Classic Editor. Learn more here.

See a demo here

Here is a sample usage:

[lt_recipe name="Homemade Pesto Pizza" servings="6" prep_time="10M" cook_time="10M" difficulty="Super Easy" summary="A great alternative to your regular pizza." image="" ingredients="1 (12 inch) pre-baked pizza crust;1/2 cup pesto;1 ripe tomato, chopped;1/2 cup green bell pepper, chopped;1 (2 ounce) can chopped black olives, drained;1/2 small red onion, chopped;1 (4 ounce) can artichoke hearts, drained and sliced;1 cup crumbled feta cheese"]Preheat oven to 450 degrees F (230 degrees C);Spread pesto on pizza crust;Top with tomatoes, bell peppers, olives, red onions, artichoke hearts and feta cheese.;Bake for 8 to 10 minutes, or until cheese is melted and browned;Source:[/lt_recipe]

You can use the built-in shortcode builder to generate the above code. Click on the "carrot" icon to launch the builder and fill in your values.

That will launch a new popup window that shows a form like this:

Here are all the possible shortcode arguments – you do not have to use all of them. Any fields that you leave out will not be printed or used.

  • name: Enter the name or title of the recipe. For example "Homemade Pesto Pizza".
  • servings: You can enter the servings information such as "4-6 people" or "6-8 medium slices".
  • prep_time: Enter the preparation time. Use H for hours and M for minutes. So for example, if the prep time is 1 hour and 30 minutes, use "1H30M". For just 45 minutes, use "45M". Always use prep_time in combination with cook_time.
  • cook_time: Same as above. Always use cook_time in combination with prep_time.
  • total_time: Same as above. Use total_time or a combination of both cook_time and prep_time.
  • difficulty: You can specify your own text here to give your recipe a bit of character. Is the recipe "Easy", "Super Easy", or "Quick and Simple"? You can use any small phrase here andit would be used as is. You can also leave this out if you want.
  • summary: A few lines giving the user a summary of what the recipe is about.
  • image: A link to the recipe image.
  • ingredients: This is a semi-colon separated list of ingredients. You can bold some text between two semi-colons to create headings. For example:

ingredient 1;<strong>Toppings</strong>;ingredient 2...

<a href='#' target='_blank'>1/2 small red onion</a>

The content within the opening [lt_recipe] and closing [/lt_recipe] shortcode tags constitutes the actual recipe. Separate each step with a semi colon (;) and the shortcode automatically creates the "Step" labels for each step.

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