Custom Slider (Pro only)

This is a custom slider where you can specify your own images and captions without being bound to a category or posts. You can add as many slides as you want!

Click here for a demo of the Custom Slider.

When this option is selected, a new section with a button saying “Add new Slide” will be shown.
Click “Add new Slide” and you will be presented will all the options for a new slide item.
Upload an image, enter a header, description, URL, and a Font Awesome icon class name.
You can rearrange the items to change the order in which the slides appear on the front end.

Use Full Image Size: By default, the slider resizes all photos to 1200×550. If you want to use your own custom image sizes, turn this option on. Make sure all the slides are the same size. This only applies to the custom slider.

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