Why do I need to authenticate my Instagram account?

Due to the changes in the way the Instagram API can be utilized, the Social Images Widget plugin can only be used to display your own own profile info and media. In order to use this plugin, you must connect your website to your Instagram account i.e. authorize your website to access your Instagram feed.

In order to do so:
  • The plugin will redirect your request to the Instagram authorization URL. 
  • If the you are not logged in to Instagram, you will be asked to log in.
  • You will then be asked if you would like to grant our Instagram application "LyraThemes Social Images Widget" access to your Instagram data. 

Our application simply facilitates your access to the Instagram API, so you can use our plugin to access your Instagram feed. Please note, while your access data gets routed through our website at https://www.lyrathemes.com, it does not get stored at all in any form and is a simply a means to move the authentication data back to your own website.

For more details, you may review:

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